Capella Market Blog

"Three things in human life are important; the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind."

Henry James

Deli Side Dish & Meal Orders

There’s just a few days left to order your Thanksgiving Side dishes or Meal from the Deli,…

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Cafe Mam Organic Coffee

Small Producer Certified Coffee from Café Mam

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CafeMam Producer Coop

October is Fair Trade Month

October is Fair Trade Month Cafe Mam has sourced certified Organic & Fair Trade, shade grown coffee…

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Frogs Traveling

August Burger BBQ

BBQ Sat 08.20 12-3pm Time for a quick lunch to power you further  through your Saturday? Drop…

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Barbecuin Frog

Hot Dog BBQ – Sat 07.23 12-3pm

Welcome athletes and spectators, to Eugene and the IAAAF World Track Championships. Mark your calendars and sprint,…

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Foodfair   C

Food Fair 2022

Friday & Saturday  May 20 & 21  12-4pm Coming right up at a World Class Neighborhood Grocer…

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Recent Recipes

"Tenderness and Kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution."

Kahlil Gibran

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle."


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